Third week working full time

Stan borrows a trailer

7 May 2024

Stan borrows Meller's trailer

Unloading the beams

8 May 2024

Unloading the beams from Washpool Lane

Beams placed above kitchen

9 May 2024

B&B floor done

9 May 2024

Wall by path built

10 May 2024

Scaffolding  1st Lift

16 May 2024

Inner skin

20 May 2024

Outer skin

23 May 2024

Garage floor concreted

24 May 2024

Front of house inner skin

25 May 2024

Outer skin awaiting 2nd scaffold lift

28 May 2024

Second lift on scaffolding

Saturday 1 June 2024

Start concrete on parking

3 June 2024

First floor lintels go on

4 June 2024

More concrete on parking

6 June 2024

Start stone on front of house

7 June 2024

Start on other side of front

12 June 2024

© Copyright Michael Vaughan