Washpool Cotttage Planning

Washpool Cottage

We had thought about moving in 2020 and had briefly put Willow bank on the market. I asked one of the agents how much he thought it would reduce the value if the plot at the side were not included. He thought it would make little or no difference, even without the plot the garden would still be large and as a lot purchasers did not want a very big garden. We decided to investigate the possibility of building a house on the plot.

Spring 2120 Engaged Darren Archer of Channel Design

17 April 2020
Site meeting for pre App with planner, Andrew Stock
22 December 2020
Planning application 20/01309/FUL made
24 March 2021
Permitted with Conditions
9 April 2021
Application made to remove condition 5 (restricted permitted development rights) and condition 9 (Steepness of access drive) of planning permission 20/01309/FUL
4 August 2021
Decision given and conditions removed
14 August 2021
Revised Application made same as earlier application but with stone cladding to the front only and to include a garage 21/01038/FUL.
21 September 2021
Permitted with Conditions.
June 2022
Tenders invited from 6 builders. Only 2 actually responded (the othe 4 too busy)
Bennet Property £792,954
East Midlands Group £276,074

Signed contract with Danny Bryan east Mid in July 2022. Just to be clear I would NOT recommend them.  

Work started August 2022